Thursday, 24 May 2012

A Fiction: Chapter 1

Illustrated guide to British Malaya
(Singapore : Printed by Fraser & Neave, 1924)
British came and thought Malaysia is a gem geographically. And it actually is.. Look at our coastal area, look at our natural resources, look at the position of our land in the map, plus because of the strategic sea-lane position, it brought trade and foreign influences. A gold mine, a haven, a sanctuary our land is. Human nature - we always want to own a piece of heaven. So, with their power, proud history and background, the Brits who has civilization since around the 5th century, gave it a try. 

So they helped and really wanted to build Malaysia within their framework. Even brought skilled foreign labourers in to help the development of the land. Under their rule, Malaya was one of the most profitable territories of the Empire.

Throughout that short period of time, they realized one thing, they realized and warned that the dominant ethnicity here in Malaysia were nice people but lazy. And that's that, nothing happened. It has become a static statement without pertaining to the minds of the ethnic to think, realize and act on the implication of it – of being lazy. The word is complacent. Guilty as charged.

"The leading characteristic of the Malay of every class is a disinclination to work...the Malay has no stomach for really hard and continuous work, either of the brain or the hands..."
-Frank A. Swettenham
to be continued...

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